Let Us Eat Lettuce: Free Garden Salad

There are many different types of lettuces, however most are happily interplanted between your crops, and can handle partial shade. They are suitable to all garden types, including pots.

How to Sow:

When to grow:

All year



Direct sow icon

Directly into soil


When planting in the soil, water in with a seaweed tonic to ease transplant shock. Shading may be required during hot periods.

Tips for Growing:

In Punnets

High, 2-3 per week

Water Needs:

Sunlight Required:

Partial Sun (4-6 hrs)

Prepare soil 1-2 weeks before planting with compost and well-rotted manure (fresh manure has a tendency to burn younger lettuce seedlings).

Soil PH:

Soil Preparation:

6.5-7.5 ph

Powdery mildew - remove affected leaves and spray with a 1 part milk to 3 parts water mixture nightly.

Snails and Slugs - scatter diatomaceous earth over and around plants.

Feeding and Mulching:

Pests and Diseases:

Apply liquid seaweed weekly, or at least, fortnightly. Mulch well with pea straw or lucerne hay to a depth of 3-5cm to lock in moisture.

Bean, Beetroot, Capsicum, Carrot, Chilli, Radish

Companion Plants:

Enemy Plants:

Celery, Parsley

9 weeks


Space Requirements:

Height 20cm, Spacing 5cm

