Rapid Radishes: From Seed to Salad in Just Weeks!
Radishes are the ideal first vegetable to grow, as they sprout and grow to harvest quickly.
The flavour of the root develops over time, so leaving longer will lead to a spicer taste.
When planting in the soil, water in with a seaweed tonic to ease transplant shock.
Ensure they are consistently watered to ensure roots are solid and do not split at harvest time.
How to Sow:
When to grow:
All year
Directly into soil
Tips for Growing:
High, 2-3 per week
Water Needs:
Sunlight Required:
Partial Sun (4-6 hrs)
Ensure soil is free-draining and moderately fertile, so add some compost a week before planting.
Soil PH:
Soil Preparation:
6.5-7.5 ph
Apply liquid seaweed once a fortnight. Mulch well with pea straw or lucerne hay to a depth of 3-5cm to lock in moisture.
Feeding and Mulching:
Snails and Slugs - scatter diatomaceous earth over and around plants.
Pests and Diseases:
Beans, Beetroot, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach
Companion Plants:
Enemy Plants:
Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Garlic, Tomato
5 weeks
Space Requirements:
Height 20cm, Spacing 5cm